Post by jimtx on Jun 24, 2019 15:24:51 GMT -5
I’d be interested depending on prices. Would like a brass OMBH with wide trigger slot so either trigger could be used since my 357 OM uses a wide SBH grooves trigger and PC OM Bisley hammer. Or even sane above brass and RD butted. Oh hell yea!
Post by magnumwheelman on Jun 26, 2019 6:59:45 GMT -5
Got the chance to talk to Ronnie a little last evening... unfortunately, I was in the middle of moving some of retired Tool & die guys equipment out of his basement shop... I guess now that he has sold his equipment to my fabricator buddy, he is "officially" retired... I'm hoping we're passing the torch to my fabricator buddy... but I didn't get to spend the time with Ronnie that I think we both wanted... Hoping to remedy that in the next day or two... glad my thread here got Ronnie involved, as he is almost over qualified, has been making these for a long time, & has so many current variations... I'm thinking if he's going to get into selling them, that he may want to trim down to 5 or 10 styles... & for "normal" people ( not too many of us here are what I'd describe as "normal" )... offer grip frames that at least reasonably fit factory or common aftermarket grips... I doubt most "normal" people have LSCG on speed dial sounds like I have a brass Bisley frame coming... looking forward to getting it in my sweaty little hands to analyze... as that was the purpose of the thread, & honestly I'm really glad he's here...
Joe S.
.401 Bobcat
Posts: 2,517
Post by Joe S. on Jun 26, 2019 7:05:49 GMT -5
But I think a factory grip frame and grips satisfies most “normal” people. I am glad Ronnie is here too and offering his work to us.
Post by singleaction on Jun 26, 2019 9:05:45 GMT -5
I am far from normal by any stretch of the imagination, and I suspect many here are like minded. With Ronnie’s willingness to use exotic materials like beryllium, I was considering AlBeMet for grip frames. However, my research indicates that, unless you wear a good particulate filter mask during machining and fitting, one can get lung cancer from the dust.
My interest has primarily been in lightweight aluminum New Model XR3, New and Old Model #5 and Bisley GF’s. Steel and brass old model parts are nice to have available as well. I just hope that there are not just a bunch of tire kickers out here. Duwane Wiebe asked a forum if they would be interested in some Mexican Mauser bottom metal’s, and everyone was enthusiastic with the prospect. However, when Duwane made the bottom metals up, virtually no one bought one. I am, to some extent, comparing apples to oranges here, but it could happen. I would just encourage everyone who has shown genuine interest to put your money where your mouth is. This is a great opportunity for single action enthusiasts, and if the effort failes due to lack of REAL interest, we won’t see such a product offered again.
Post by magnumwheelman on Jun 26, 2019 10:13:35 GMT -5
I have a pair of old Qualite cast brass "Lightning" frames that were grafted onto a pair of stainless New Ruger Vaquero Montados, & those grip frames were so bad the project was just about abandoned... this was my thought behind modern CNC machining... if the "math" is good, the parts are good too... I will admit that I would buy several of whatever is offered... the #5's get all the rage, but I've never held one, but would buy one if I had the chance, just to see what all the fuss is about... thinking the grip makers gotta be loving this thread as well
Post by z1r on Jun 26, 2019 11:34:21 GMT -5
I am far from normal by any stretch of the imagination, and I suspect many here are like minded. With Ronnie’s willingness to use exotic materials like beryllium, I was considering AlBeMet for grip frames. However, my research indicates that, unless you wear a good particulate filter mask during machining and fitting, one can get lung cancer from the dust. My interest has primarily been in lightweight aluminum New Model XR3, New and Old Model #5 and Bisley GF’s. Steel and brass old model parts are nice to have available as well. I just hope that there are not just a bunch of tire kickers out here. Duwane Wiebe asked a forum if they would be interested in some Mexican Mauser bottom metal’s, and everyone was enthusiastic with the prospect. However, when Duwane made the bottom metals up, virtually no one bought one. I am, to some extent, comparing apples to oranges here, but it could happen. I would just encourage everyone who has shown genuine interest to put your money where your mouth is. This is a great opportunity for single action enthusiasts, and if the effort failes due to lack of REAL interest, we won’t see such a product offered again. Yes, it's nice to have options. I think the AL option would be nice, especially for single sixes.
Post by RDW on Jun 26, 2019 18:28:12 GMT -5
Thanks for the kind words gentlemen.
But let me shed a little light on the abnormal side of my way of thinking! Haha.
(My mother thinks i was abducted by aliens!Lol.) I realize not everyone is going to have all of the kewl tewls i have spent fifty years acquiring, But i know that with real american men there is no (I CANT) especially gun guys!
Potato Judge brought it to my attention that K#5 grip panels are probably not available Cuz nobody has offered K5 Grip frames on a large scale!
I AM! What i have done is a nice compromise between various frames based on all of my freinds and guinnea pigs Hands. It is a K# 5 Shape.
It came out roughly an 1/8 inch longer than a powers and with a standard sized Boss. I have it in standard Blackhawk trigger guard and a Bisley trigger Guard. New And old. The bisley trigger guard is one sexy mamba jo hamba. and puts another 3/16 s inch between your knuckle and the front strap. Same grip panel. I love the number five shape. However because of my gorrilla paws I made me one the same length as the bisley and a little more meat on the back strap with a bisley trigger guard. It was my ninth attempt at making the perfect fit for my sasquatch friends and me. So we call it my Wells # 9. And buddy do i like it. Haha. For those with a large hand you will too. However for the average joe once again, NO GRIP PANEL AVAILABILITY!
Other than putting together a whole separate entity and business, web site, for this, as me and my son inlaw have been doing for the past month i have been building a seperate cnc machine ( Router) just for grip panels. I have got so many quotes coming in for various color Micarta ive lost track!
Also three companies quoting me Laminated stabilised wood! My favorite place (dymond wood) in Connecticut burned down 4 years ago!
I am including a couple of pics here shortly to give you a little idea of just how far along i am on this. To be released and available shortly!
My standard Bisley is modeled after rugers, just for grip panels availability in mind, but with a little extra meat on the back for those who want to make it there own. I moved the location hole up about .010 thousandths because every after market panel i have gotten is sloppy.
If you just tickle the top of your Ruger or aftermarket grip panel with a little file or sandpaper it will then slide in to place nice and snug!
Then bring the frame down a smidge to match. Theres just enough but not too much to cut off. The first pic is A standard K5 for Lee M with a set of ready to cut panels in brown/ tan/ black, Fit to frame with locater hole and escutheon hole in place. Regular Brownells Escutcheon screws set 080-034-012 wb. Definately going to offer a nice base grip panel to get ya started!
Post by RDW on Jun 26, 2019 18:29:07 GMT -5
Post by RDW on Jun 26, 2019 18:31:45 GMT -5
This is a front veiw of a Keith # 5 Left and a Wells # 9 on the right. Notice the length!
Post by RDW on Jun 26, 2019 18:36:40 GMT -5
This is a project maximum with Wells #9 and california Buckeye. notice the length similarity to the Standard Bisley above, which Incidently Magnum wheelman is yours! Finishing up some panel patterns and will get her headed to MN.
Post by RDW on Jun 26, 2019 18:40:08 GMT -5
Wells # 9 And some panels for PotatoJudge
Post by RDW on Jun 26, 2019 18:42:34 GMT -5
As you can see, Nice snug fit on K5 OM alum.
Post by squawberryman on Jun 26, 2019 18:43:08 GMT -5
What exactly is the surface finish of those at this time? Looks bead blasted
Post by RDW on Jun 26, 2019 18:44:50 GMT -5
Sorry Todd! Forgot to show ya this one! Waiting on a chunk of black Micarta, will make them for you to.
Post by RDW on Jun 26, 2019 18:47:36 GMT -5
What exactly is the surface finish of those at this time? Looks bead blasted Number ten glass bead, Smooths edges and rounds er out real nice. and makes a nice flat background for u to see when you start polishing!