.30 Stingray
Posts: 458
CZ 550
Aug 19, 2014 21:37:27 GMT -5
Post by 450ak on Aug 19, 2014 21:37:27 GMT -5
Been shooting a Gibbs for some time. Mine is on a 1917 Winchester action with a Pac Nor barrel. Fun cartridge with AA 5744 and a 600 grain gas check bullet, A case full of WC 860 is a good full power load. Hope you can find a deal for RCBS dies, the CH aren't worth buying. Jameson brass is good as is Bell. Also have turned cases from Rocky Mountain that do ok with 5744. Sixty five grains of 5744 and a 600 grain cast run 1750. Good shooting!!!!!!
CZ 550
Aug 20, 2014 7:08:11 GMT -5
Post by boxhead on Aug 20, 2014 7:08:11 GMT -5
What is the intent of such rifle? The intent of a rifle like this is to plug a large hole in someone's want list that has been created by a vigorous application of too much Capstick, Keith, Hemingway, Ruark, et al. Most all of us are driven by "want" rather than "need", otherwise we would only have one rifle, one handgun, one shotgun. Oh, the horror! I will leave it as is as you missed the point of my post. They are fine rifles and I own a couple of their better (IMO) BRNO rifles but the usefulness will depend upon your real need or dreamy desire. Today, I would choose (and have) a Winchester M70 416 Remington if I only wanted to play with a large bore.
CZ 550
Aug 20, 2014 9:58:30 GMT -5
Post by Markbo on Aug 20, 2014 9:58:30 GMT -5
Frankly I don't get what shooting full Propane tanks is supposed to prove about any particular round.
CZ 550
Aug 20, 2014 13:25:27 GMT -5
Post by smirker on Aug 20, 2014 13:25:27 GMT -5
I have a CZ 550 American Safari in .458 Lott. Interesting gun to shoot. Quality seems to be excellent. I have ben wanting to load it down to 45-70 level and shoot a deer with it. Maybe this year. If you are unsure about purchasing a CZ in a large caliber I would recommend taking the plunge. I think they are probably the best choice of any of the production Big Bores.
CZ 550
Aug 20, 2014 18:54:21 GMT -5
Post by lscg on Aug 20, 2014 18:54:21 GMT -5
Frankly I don't get what shooting full Propane tanks is supposed to prove about any particular round. I don't believe they were trying to prove anything, just shooing different targets for fun.